

Our Services

Närbild av olika slipskivor och skivor som visar olika texturer och material som används för industriell slipning och skärning.

Electroplated diamond and CBN tools

As the only manufacturer in the Nordic region, we offer a comprehensive range of grinding products where we design the shape and size of the grinding wheel in collaboration with you.

ombelagning diamantprofil

Re-coating service

We offer re-coating services for worn-out grinding tools on steel frames, which saves both resources and the environment.

Närbild av en CNC-slipmaskin i drift, skärpa ett skärverktyg med en roterande slipskiva.

Sintered grinding wheels

Together with our partners, we offer high-quality sintered grinding wheels for grinding cutting tools in carbide and high-speed steel.

Diverse precisionsmunstycken och spetsar i metall arrangerade i en horisontell linje mot en vit bakgrund.

Sharpening tools

Since 1996, we have been manufacturing diamond dressing tools using synthetic or natural diamonds for sharpening ceramic grinding wheels.

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